From the Fashion Library - Spent

One of my favorite books is SPENT MEMOIRS OF A SHOPPING ADDICT BY AVIS CARDELLA. The book is an autobiography chronicling her severe shopping addiction from childhood until recovery. Her story reads as a timeline of how her addiction grew from a stint as a teenage shoplifter to having a generous wealthy fiance who financed her need to shop everyday. Cardella's tipping point came when her mother passed away and her grieving was done in the form of compulsive purchasing. At one point she recalls a day where she came out of a stupor only to realize she was in the middle of a lingerie department buying 20 pairs of panties, one in every color. There are stories of extensive worldwide shopping trips that eventually left in her severe debt and the men who were along for the ride. In the end, she tells of how she dealt with the real underlying problems and why they made her feel the only way to cope was to buy. 

I enjoyed the book because it was well written and full of colorful stories, but I think I mostly enjoyed it because it struck a chord with me. It's where I learned the term oniomania, the clinical name for the compulsive desire to shop. AFTER READING ONLY A FEW CHAPTERSI had to stop and ask myself, "Was I a shopaholic?" Surely I've love to shop all my life, a majority of this blog is based around that fact. I can't remember my first shopping memory, but I do remember I always had a strong interest in what I was wearing. But, do I have a problem? I read and reread over the tale tale signs and although I admit I ticked quite a few boxes, I took solace in the fact that I didn't meet, in what I feel, was the overall thesis of the disorder: You have an addiction if your shopping is affecting your life in a negative way. I breathed a sigh of relief. Seems I won't be needing to seek out professional help after all. Although I consider myself an extreme shopper, I pride myself on maintaining a sense of moderation through careful planning and budgeting. This is no small feat for someone who has a penchant for luxury and designer goods...


Tiffany & Co. Sterling Silver

I'm ashamed to admit I don't have nearly enough jewelry in my wardrobe. I think that has mainly to do with my belief that jewelry should be a gift. Gifts from loved ones. (A sentiment I learned from Elizabeth Taylor.) I do however own a small sterling silver collection from Tiffany and Co. that I've acquired over the years. Every girl loves that very distinct little blue box. Mostly because anything inside will more than likely be well received. Almost always. I own three pieces from the "1837" and "Please Return to Tiffany" collections. I don't wear them anymore, but I keep them because they all have a memory. I also want to save these pieces for the daughter I hope to one day have. I hope she likes them...
The earrings and the necklace were gifts!!! They are from two different exes and will remain my only fond memories of them both. The ring I purchased for myself as a 21st birthday present and was, at the time, quite a large spend. It was my first major jewelry acquisition and I'm sure I was shaking a little when I paid for it. The sales associate was comforting, but probably more amused I was shelling out my hard earned money I had saved for my big day. We chatted and he let me try on almost all the pieces from the collection before I settled on the ring. All in all, I remember the experience being a bit surreal as I waltzed out of the store with my very first little blue bag!