From the Fashion Library - Fashion Victim
Fashion makes fools of some, sinners of others, and slaves of us all.
- Josh Billings, Nineteenth Century Humorist
I was hanging around Union Square one evening browsing my favorite book store Strand, when FASHION VICTIM BY MICHELLE LEE caught my eye. They have a very decent Fashion selection and I often come across a great find. I am by all accounts a victim, and this book helps to understand why. Lee's book makes you think about your own personal relationship with Fashion and the psychological effects it has on us. How much are we really influenced by magazines and celebrities?
Alexander McQueen De Manta Clutch
So, I hatched a plan. I say plan, but it was really me calling the store once a week. I was sure, more than sure, that life would not be right if I did not get this bag. Every week I was told the bag had not yet arrived and that they would not release any shipment tracking numbers to me. I was convinced they were withholding information and for the next two months, I enlisted the help of a couple of friends. I had each of them call pretending to be after the bag, sometimes using fake accents. (I'm not sure why they thought fake accents would help, but they seemed to enjoy it.) I was determined to see if they could gather any more information as to the whereabouts of the bag. They were all told the same thing, that the waiting list was already several people long and to forget about the bag.