Fashionable Literature

As you all know, I am always in the process of collecting books to build a Fashion library. One of my favorite spots to acquire them is in Soho on the corner of Prince and Mercer. Meet Larry Ash, the owner of Soho Books Unlimited. I often stop by to peruse the selection and after a little bit of coaxing, Mr. Ash was gracious enough to grant me an interview. 
Originally from Sugar Hill, the historic home to such greats as Langston Hughes and Duke Ellington, Ash has been selling books for 17 years. As an English Literature and Photography student, he had dreams of becoming a photo journalist, but found himself working a dead end job. Along his daily travels, he would often admire men he says were selling great books along the street. Unfortunately, or fortunately, Ash was fired from his job and decided to take a different path. 

Soho Books Unlimited offers titles in Architecture and Photography, but I'm only interested in the Fashion. Ash likens his job of selling books to "coming out of a cave" and describes the whole process as "therapeutic". I asked him if there was any significance to being located in Soho. He explained to me that he felt inside that Soho was, and is, the art capital. That surrounded by culture and history, it was the place to do it.

I love to buy his books and have a chat with Ash about what's new in the Fashion world, but what I love most is the fantastic selection. I mean this guy has books I've never even heard of, including one that was autographed by the author that was "not for sale". Ash offers the books at deeply discounted prices and says he does so to be competitive. If you're in the market for Fashion literature, make sure you stop by and see Mr. Ash. He can be found at the intersection everyday, weather permitting.  


From the Shoe Closet - Gucci Division Pumps

These high heels are from the GUCCI 2009 Fall/Winter collection. The DIVISION PUMP was made available in a black iridescent patent leather, a navy hue, and dark gray. I tried them all on, but ultimately opted for the charcoal. I am quite fond of almost all shades of gray and it was a color I didn't have in my closet. They are leather, patent leather, and have a bit of suede around the heel. These shoes go with a lot of things, but I often find myself pairing them with something navy... 
I get lots of wear of these shoes with pants, dresses, and even denim. It's a sort of multi purpose shoe, and for an about five inch heel, they are relatively comfortable. The platform does provide a little extra support and allows for extended wear around New York City. I can easily hail a yellow taxi or skillfully traverse a cobblestone street to make my next purchase. I do believe it's a good idea to have a pair of gray heels in your closet as they can serve as a neutral option. The idea is to get a variety of shades to ensure there are always options. After all, a girl can't live only owning black shoes. We must try our very best to diversify all around. Ladies, this includes your shoe closet.